image processing using matlab

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I am currently developing vi , which would grab image from camera and then process it using matlab-script window. After processing I have two more 2D arrays which I also want to preview both with the original image. But I face strange problem. Without matlab processing frame graber works ok, I mean I can see a picture aquired from camera. When I use the same vi and just add matlab postprocessing I can not see more neither grabed image nor processed data, just zeros. I put image acquisition part of algorithm (excluding initialization) in timed-loop , because I need to trigger camera to piezo drive step. I think this problem is not the result of lack of time for previewing, in this case vi would just slow down.
I would appriciate any suggestions,


I didn’t find the right solution from the Internet.


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Bonnier Digital FOTO
Bonnier Publications
Utgiver: Helena La Corte
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